
6Party bags can be added to your booking at any time!
Simply call or text 07802-439654 or email
You only pay for the party bags that are used on the day!
Each party bag bought comes with 1 thank you note!

The FUNfORCE Caterer does need to be booked in advance.
Please call or text 07802-439654 or email as soon as you would like to book. The FUNfORCE Caterer does include absolutely everything for your event. Not only all the food on the menu, but a tray of food for the adults as well as tea, coffee, hot chocolate, herbal teas etc. It also includes a birthday cake and party bags.
FUNfORCE will also clear up afterwards and take the rubbish away!
So if you have no time to prepare the party before hand or even on the day, but you would like to enjoy the party with your feet up, this is the one for you!








thank you front singlethank you back single

+ 1  thank you note

for each party bag supplied

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