
All Dodgeball information can now be found on

Our NEON Dodgeball sessions at Reepham High School Sports Hall are a great way to keep fit and have loads of fun. As we continue to grow our sessions we welcome newcomers.
It doesn’t matter if you have never played before, as long as you want to join in – you’re in!

We are now in term 2 approaching week 8.
We are planning our first Neon Dodgeball tournament on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 so now could be a great time to start playing. Scroll down for details.

We are currently running two sessions, one for primary school children, the other for high school students. They will include our glow in the dark “Neon Dodgeball” games. We supply everything you need, so you just have to show up and play.

DIRECTIONS FOR DODGEBALL – Drive into the main Reepham High School and College car park.
The sports hall is the brick building immediately on the right hand side.
You should see the FUNfORCE van parked on the right (in the playground) right outside the hall.
Park your vehicle in the main car park and come and join us.

We will require all children to be signed in by an adult at the start of each session.
There must also be an adult in attendance who is responsible for each child during each session.
This does not mean that every child needs their parent with them, but there needs to be one grown up who can step in and take responsibility for that child should anything occur. We will have a team of adults running the group and it may be possible for one of our group to step in and be responsible for your child should you not be able to do so one week, but this can only be arranged at the beginning of each session on sign in.

It’s cash only I’m afraid. At the moment there is no internet connection for our sum up machine so we are unable to accept card payments.
There will be a tuck shop available for drinks and snacks. The grown ups who stay have free hot drinks and biscuits.
Also – there will be the chance for the grown ups to join in with a game against their children before the end of each session.

If you have any questions just give me a call. We will try to accommodate all needs if we can.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes, Graham.

Coming soon – our first ever Neon Dodgeball Tournament and Fun Session

A Huge Thank You!

We would like to say a big thank you to Broadland District Council for their kind £300Get It Started” grant to help get our Dodgeball sessions up and running. This grant helped us with purchasing some essential equipment and also some amazing neon vests for our dodgeball teams to perform in.
Some of the funds were also used for our weekly hall hire as well as some advertising.

Another thank you to Broadland District Council for their amazing £300Keep It Going” grant to help get our Dodgeball sessions up and running at our new venue Reepham High School. This is so crucial to us as we are still building up our numbers to cover our costs! This donation will also help with our advertising and also to purchase some larger neon vests for our older High School dodgeball players.

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