This project was terminated at Stimpson’s Piece in December 2023.
We are currently looking for a new venue more suited to this venture!
Our Cafe – Reepham is a project started by FUNfORCE at Easter 2022.
FUNfORCE was allowed by the Reepham town council and trustees of Stimpsons Piece to put a community cafe into the kitchen of the pavilion at full cost.
The original aims of Our Cafe were:
1) To open up “Our Café”
2) To enable park users to purchase refreshments & snacks whilst visiting
3) To enable park users to use the toilet facilities whilst visiting
4) To offer work opportunities to High School Children
5) To continue to raise funds for the development of the Our Cafe Project
(Including new equipment, new ideas and rent)
(Fundraising Events include Easter / Halloween & New Year’s Eve)
6) To open up a youth club at certain times at the pavilion
7) To promote the use of Stimpsons Piece pavilion as a venue for functions
8) To create new experiences at the park for its users
9) To work alongside current park users to enhance the overall experience of the park
10) To bring all park user groups together – better community spirit and awareness of
each other
11) To attract a large group of volunteers to be involved in the project
12) To set up the Stimpsons Piece Committee and look at other possibilities
Adjustments to these aims have had to happen for the project to continue.
FUNfORCE has booked the pavilion on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday afternoons for regular activities which allow the Cafe to open up alongside it.
FUNfORCE has a 3 year lease in operation for all the equipment in Our Cafe which finishes at Easter 2025.
FUNfORCE has employers & public liability insurance for Our Cafe as well as separate insurance for entertainment.
This is not a profit making venture. This is a community project.
So why do this?
The overall aim of the Our Cafe project is to give things for the young people of Reepham to do.
Do you ever see our youngsters hanging out around the town?
Maybe by the Co-op? They don’t want to hang out there.
Maybe in the teen shelter in the park? There is nowhere else for them to go!
Reepham needs a youth club. So can you help?
If you want to be part of creating a better environment for our youngsters please help this project.
We need volunteers with a little time each week to keep the current programme going.
Then we can build. Contact me on 07802-439654 or
or just come and see me.
We will need to search for grants and financial help to develop, but so far we have had fantastic support.
Our financial support is advertised on the notice board in the pavilion.
Special thanks to:
Brad & Tami from the Co-op for their continued encouragement and support.
Mark & Lynette from the Kings Arms and their generous pub goers.
Michaela and Julie from Broadland District Council for their guidance and continued enthusiasm.
Philip Lowe from Insurance Surveys Ltd for his initial support.
You have all really helped me to keep this venture going.
There are a lot of people who are behind the Our Cafe Project.
To achieve all our aims there is a lot more work that needs to be done.
There is a lot of fun to be had along this journey and we can create something amazing for our kids
(and us) if we pull together!
FUNfORCE’S current regular activities at Stimpson’s Piece are: